Design and construction plants for the treatment of first rain waters for small, medium and small surface areas as shown in the Regional Authority which comply with European Community standards.
Solutions with prefabricated concrete pre-assembled modules with high resistance to compete filters and equipment in AISI 304 dimensioned for the treatment of grit removal, oil removal of first and second rain water according to EN 858.
Design of flow regulation systems in sewage pipes and equipment for automatic cleaning of retention basins.
Rainwater treatment EMS Water Technology Srl systems cater for large areas used to treat rainwater collected from roadways, motorways or large areas polluted mainly by substances resulting from motor vehicle traffic such as mineral oils, sand and organic matter, or more rarely from accidental spillage of hazardous sludge.
Rain water treatment plants, EMS Water Technology Srl cater for large surfaces which are designed and dimensioned according to EN 858-1 ensuring legislations set by the Legislative Decree n. 152 of 03/04/06, for discharges into public sewers or surface waters, limiting floating substances and solid sediments.
Rain water treatment plants EMS Water Technology Srl are made with one-piece parallel piped tanks with a flat bottom made of reinforced concrete in accordance with the high resistance D.M. 14/01/2008.
The system provides two separate basins respectively grit removal and separation of oils with complete packs of edge-device with a floating shutter to prevent the leakage of oils to room full of collected oils.