Design firms
EMS Water Technology regularly works with architectural and engineering firms taking care of the detailed design regarding the architectural and plant design (hydraulic and electrical) for the water treatment plants.
EMS Water Technology is capable of taking care of supply and installation for works developed by important design firms in Italy and abroad.
Furthermore, EMS Water Technology helps developing important ideas for the realization of projects for “green treatment plants” including low environmental impact solutions.
Building companies
EMS Water Technology cooperates with building companies to execute a wide range of purification plants. EMS Water Technology is ready to supply executive drawings, bills of quantities, complete plants, electromechanical machinery, supervision services to the laying works start up , commissioning, test and an extensive and well tested management service to guarantee a correct functioning and maintenance for the plants.

Prefabricated tanks for purification plants
Public authorities : municipalities and institutions
Taking often part to national and international tenders, EMS Water Technology has been chosen to realise important projects for municipalities , provinces and governments such as first rain water treatment plants for Italian toll roads, civil sewers and drinkable water treatment and distribution systems.

Water purifying units for public institutions
Commercial malls
EMS Water Technology is capable to supply a 360 degrees service for commercial malls with design and realization of first rain water treatment plants, lifting stations taking water to the various users of the malls: shops, restaurants, toilets, fire extinguishing devices and sewage water treatment plants coming from the same.
Furthermore, EMS Water Technology carries out projects compatible with the environmental safety , such as collecting and recycling rain water from roofs to irrigate the surrounding green zones.
Hotels and residences
The problems experienced by users of hotel services are very similar to the ones experienced by domestic users.
The water is necessary to drink, cook, wash, do the laundry and heat in a big hotel as well as in a small flat. The differences appear when the problems have to be compared : for hotels, the cost is more important.
EMS Water Technology is capable to design water solutions to satisfy their often high water demand while limiting the design ,functioning and maintenance costs to a satisfying level.
Oil refineries
The technical staff can boast several years of experience in the process filtering field and fluid treatment for the oil / chemical / petrochemical, gas treatment and energy production industries.
They are specialized in the design and management of orders for plants, devices and technologies for filtering and separation.
the devices can be designed and bult according to the main international standards and calculation codes.
The main market for EMS Water Technology is international contractors and big Oil & Gas producers.

Demi treatment plant for refineries
Tourist villages
EMS Water Technology designs and realizes purification plants, as well as desalination and sewage treatment plants for tourist villages located all over the world.
EMS Water Technology boast a considerable experience, especially for villages located into islands, for the desalination of sea water with reverse osmosis plants and purification plants for sewage water from toilets with the complete recycling of the water to irrigate green zones or for the W.C. structures, all this in total absence of bad smells and disturbing noises.
EMS Water Technology furthermore offers to tourist villages a complete service for spare parts, management and maintenance of the installed plants with specialised staff or by remote via GSM.

Water purification plant for tourist villages
Foundries and steel plants
EMS Water Technology, thanks to its experience is capable of designing and realize industrial water treatment plants both primary and from sewers from the production of these industries, with a particular regard for systems recycling the treated water and optimize their management, reducing costs and generally diminishing their environmental impact.
We can boast a noticeable experience also for the treatment of sewage water coming from foundries and refineries in which the discharge water is contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals used during the production phases.

Water purification plants for steel factories